All papers approved for the colloquium are invited to submit full articles for the thematic dossier “Criticism, media, memory | Architectural transatlantic dialogues” of the academic journal Cadernos PROARQ, which will be published in the second half of 2024. We would just like to point out that acceptance to the colloquium does not guarantee publication in the journal, which will have a new round of peer review, considering the full article. Informations about the dossier are detailed below:
Thematic Edition: "Crítica, Mídias e Memória. Uma cultura transatlântica"
Special Editors: Priscilla Peixoto, Guilherme Bueno, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos, Rute Figueiredo, Mário Magalhães e Joana Mello de Carvalho e Silva.
Submission period: August 26 – November 04, 2024
This dossier is open to articles and essays that analyse the architectural criticism operation – its objects, practices and actors – constituted through the Atlantic Ocean transit. It seeks to approach the different mediation mechanisms (translations, periodicals, publications and international meetings) that enabled the structuring of networks of relationships, contacts and exchanges between social actors originating from different criticism cultures of this ocean's shores, especially those who cross it.
Thus, the papers applying for this dossier should be within the scope of architectural criticism history and address objects that emphasise the transit through territories. They should also demonstrate the intention of investigating architectural criticism as a practice of identification, tensioning and mediation of diversified architectural cultures. Therefore, the texts should have an emphasis on how criticism cultures, when in contact with each other, are modified due to losses, selections and rediscoveries, creating something that is not a mere junction, nor a mosaic, but rather a new and creative synthesis. Also, the articles should signalise to a way to deal with future's uncertainties, since writing about Atlantic cultures is often writing about expatriated, exiled bodies, which often find in transculturation a (or the sole) way of existing (resisting).
CADERNOS PROARQ opens its submission flow to researchers in the area of architecture and urbanism, and correlated areas, at the same time as it seeks to bring close together the set of papers deriving from the 2nd Colloquium on Criticism, Media and Memory | Architectural Transatlantic Dialogues, which will be submitted to a double-blind review.